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Published: 11/09/2010 6:56AM
King Solomon's Robe worn in Masonic Degree reinactments- Scottish Rite, Grand Lodge of Washington DC - completed November 2010

This robe and under gown were created from royal purple silk velvet, silk linings and Douponi, using silk and polyester thread. I created a pattern based on the thread-worn old one they had been using, but made some modifications and improvements such as adding pockets! All designs were hand digitized individually then stitched onto the velvet one at a time. Glass pearls and other embellishments were hand stitched on (securely) with a drop of nail polish at the knot. Because many different size men will wear this in the coming years and men being men, I enclosed velco strips in the back of the under gown, using self made bias strips to enclose it. The goal was not to have the finishing touches look like a costume. It was a challenge, but ended up looking classy in the back. Men do not want to fuss with buttons or loops so this was a solution. The front of the robe is fastened with 2 large snaps for their easy on and off. I built the shoulder and added a good under structure so that this would fit most men and also support the delicate velvet and weight of the robe. The lower black double faced satin ribbon was machine embroidered - one panel at a time in the hoop.
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Hobbymates' Comments:
rustiladi   07/28/2012 6:15PM

poodlemoma   01/23/2012 10:44AM
this is a true work of art i have been sewing most of my life embroidering 15 years and been in a masonic family as well you have out done your self!!!! true beauty! thank you for sharing Viki

lovemygift   09/20/2011 2:17AM
This garment is awesome. Wish I could actually see the garment. If it looks this good in pic...then a BIG WOW in person!!! GREAT JOB

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