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Published: 02/05/2009 1:52PM
See All Comments: 4
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Hobbymates' Comments:
Greg Vladi   02/06/2009 3:40PM
btw federer does not always have a straight elbow, it depends what shot, placement, exc, so elbow nothing to do with it, its more elbow in front, a little higher then waist, legs and through the ball, lots of aspects

Greg Vladi   02/06/2009 3:37PM
the reason they are is simple. discipline, coaches not available, or coaches available and it being too late! because muscle memory with a forehand for 5 years is very difficult to correct.
but I do understand what you mean. Obviously the strokes federer, djokovic have require less effort, and easier overall.

carrotstien   02/05/2009 10:32PM
Results don't mean good technique. You could theoretically have a player play tennis with the side of his racket and win slams - it would be harder than winning 20 lotto's in a row, but not impossible. Would you then say that it's ok?
Many people learn to write improperly (holding a pen-wise), and then end up having fine penmanship - but, they just don't know how much more effort they are putting into it than those who learn correctly.
What I am asking is why new juniors are still learning it the bent elbow way when it is obviously the technique-wise less correct stroke?

Greg Vladi   02/05/2009 6:47PM
i dont quite agree with some material. for example nadal does not hit it the same way. santoro does not. hewitt has an ugly backhand and was 1 in the world. i mean its all about dedication, hard work, and most of all timing and footwork. u just have to practice ur shot. i agree with ur material, it depends what type of ball those are the good pics u kno what i mean. tennis is not something u should always relate to physics :P

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