During a tennis tournament in Mexico I tried some food that was very foreign to me. It was actually a bit odd and included ant eggs, and dried grasshoppers. Yes, I know what you are thinking. You are thinking it was disgusting? Well, think again. Once I got my mind off the thought of the ant eggs it was very tasty. It was pretty salty and resembled rice by texture and size. This is a pre hispanic tradition. People get them by gloves and taking them out of the ant egg area. You cook the eggs and it is an aphrodisiac and contains a lot of phosphorus. Even though this is a cultural thing it is very expensive and can cost about 70 to 80 dollars for a kilogram of them. They only are available before the rains start around the month of march. It contains more protein than chicken and is great by being very nutritious. If our president Clinton had it so should you!. Please verify my claims by visiting this site. http://www.truveo.com/Ant-Eggs-as-Gourmet-Food/id/1058432128"